
Scariff Martyrs honoured on 90th anniversary

This article is from page 14 of the 2009-04-14 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 14 JPG

EAST Clare’s oldest man placed a wreath on the graves of the Scariff Martyrs on Sunday to mark the 90th anniversary of the founding of the East Clare Brigade.

Paddy Gleeson was just thirteen years old when he attended the fu- neral of the four men, three of whom were members of the East Clare Bri- gade.

Memorial services were organised by the East Clare Memorial Com- mittee for the Memorial Park in Tua- mgraney and at Scariff church where

the four are buried.

The Tulla Pipe Band provided mu- sical tributes.

Memorial Committee member, Tomas Mac Conmara, plans to write a book about the martyrs with the help of people in east Clare.

He said that the memorial commit- tee “are dedicated to reminding the community of east Clare of the sac- rifices made by the men and women of the Republican movement in east Clare during the Irish War of Inde- pendence and the Civil War.”

The Scariff Martyrs – Alphonsus Rodgers, Michael McMahon, Martin

Gildea and Michael Egan – were ex- ecuted on the bridge in Killaloe on November 17, 1920.

Egan had been providing a safe house for the other three at White- gate but they were informed on, ar- rested and brought to the barracks at Killaloe where they were tortured before being killed.

The official line was that they had been shot while trying to escape but the front of each body bore up to 17 bullet entry wounds and numerous bayonet wounds. Their bodies were dumped in a shed at the back of the Lakeside Hotel.

“T would love to talk to anyone who can help to fill out both the history and the folklore surrounding these men and this period.” said Tomas. ‘People may have stories they heard from their parents or grandparents. Stories that may have been told in a particular village or area or people might have memorabilia or old pic- tures. There must have been many people who were aware of the op- erations and of the men who died and I want to record all these things whether they are fact or folklore, they all have a place in telling the story of the time.

“Any material history, including artefacts associated with the story of the four Scariff Martyrs or the fight for independence in east Clare are also welcome and encouraged.

“In particular, any elderly people who may remember or have inherited stories regarding the four young men or the period in question are asked to make contact,” said Tomas.

Anyone who would like to help with information can _ con- tact —Tomas Mac Conmara, Baile Maeloin, Tuaimgreine, or by emiling Alter- natively you can phone 087 9160373.

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