
Heinz discovers new variety

This article is from page 35 of the 2007-06-12 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 35 JPG

HEINZ has discovered a new and exciting 58th variety. This new fla- vour comes in the shape of promis- ing Dublin artist Orla Walsh, whose latest sole exhibition, “The Ketchup Collection’, is currently on show at Lahinch’s Kenny Gallery.

Walsh’s pop-art still-life collec- tion proudly features the deep crim- son Heinz ketchup bottle in a range which is both striking and instantly recognizable.

Her work examines a range of old and new objects, with food the com- mon thread that joins the collec- tion. She strives to capture the very essence of her subject matter while always treating it with great warmth

and humour.

Indeed, Orla’s unique work could very easily have never made it as far as Lahinch. During one of her early exhibitions in Dublin, a representa- tive of Heinz approached her, stating that she was in breach of copyright and should take down the exhibition.

After studying the quality of the work, however, the employee changed his mind and returned later in the week to purchase six pieces. Indeed, four of Walsh’s pieces now hang in the boardroom of the HJ Heinz Company in Pittsburgh.

Kenny’s is Clare’s oldest art gallery and hosts a wide variety of exhibi- tions all-year round.

The exhibition was opened by May- or of Clare, Flan Garvey, last week-

end and will run until June 23. A representative selection of the work is available to view on www.lahin- or by calling 065 OLOrdKeterer

Meanwhile, down the road in En- nistymon Courthouse Gallery, more than 50 artists from all over the county have contributed to the Art on the Wall exhibition. The exhibition, which opened last Thursday and runs until June 16, features one work from a wide range of local, national and international talent.

“Tt really is a very interesting exhi- bition. We are talking about 50 artists who have each submitted one piece of work for this exhibition,’ said Catherine Comber of the gallery.

“Essentially, one of our exhibitors

postponed an exhibition, leaving us with two free weeks in the calendar. We put out the call for pieces of work and had a fantastic response.

“We will have work from renowned artists like Fionnuala Graham, Der- mot Tuohy and Sarah Foust to more local artists and a number of com- pletely amateur artists.

“We have pieces on show ranging in price from €2,000 to €100.”

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