
Adding colour to Mounshannon

This article is from page 29 of the 2007-06-12 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 29 JPG

MOUNTSHANNON Park was re- cently covered in graffiti with the blessing of local authorities as part of an initiative to fight boredom among young people.

John Damsell, one of 50 people currently studying for a diploma in community development locally, ap- proached a group of local children and teenagers to put their artwork on display because he feels that there are not enough outlets for them in the community.

“The graffiti project came about because there was a minor problem with vandalism and we decided to turn that energy into something positive. They painted up panels and

hung them up in the park. Martina Lamas and myself met with some young people and one of the things that came up was that they would like a space of their own that they could decorate and maintain.”

This space could be the eventual site for a local skate-park – an idea which was put into practice during the recent Iniscealtra Arts Festival when teenagers built a temporary ramp in the park.

“They were there all day queuing up to use it and they looked after the area themselves. The next day there were kids there collecting litter. It got a brilliant response- if they have the control and responsibility, they take it seriously. Even the older kids were watching out for the younger

ones,” he added.

Mr Damsell hopes to eventually form a formal lobby group to raise funding to buy a piece of land, equip and insure a skate-park like success- ful projects in towns like Galway and Loughrea.

“As part of my course I will be formulating a proper presentation for funding and we will try to make a model that could spread to other youth projects. There is already a eroup working to get a playground locally but older kids need some- thing as well. The facility would be good for biking and rollerblading as well as just a place to go and meet up.”

Mr Damsell said that a skate-park would have other benefits for tourism

in the area.

“What I have found out from talk- ing to tourists is that they research an area and come to where there are facilities for kids. It would be more commercial and valuable in that ie Nall

He also thanked graffiti board spon- sors- Finsa Forest Products, Citizens Information Centre Ennis, Tuohy’s builders’ merchants and PJ Macs.

Anyone interested in volunteering or donating funds can contact Mr Damsell on 087 7615851.

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