
Ennis cleans up in business against litter survey

This article is from page 4 of the 2013-01-08 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 4 JPG

ENNIS has been deemed ‘Clean to European norms’ in the 2012 litter survey from business group Irish Business Against Litter (IBAL). Ennis, in 27th position, was among 13 towns out of 42 to receive the designation, with a further 22 classed as ‘cleaner than European norms’.

The report on Ennis by An Taisce, who are charged with conducting the surveys, stated, “A great improvement at Ennis compared to the earlier survey in 2012 when there were two seriously littered sites. This time there were none and eight out of the 10 sites surveyed got the top litter grade, including all four approach roads.

“Significant improvement was recorded at the Quin approach road previously it had been in quite a poor state – not so this time around.”

Dr Tom Cavanagh, Chairman of IBAL, added, “This is a significant result. Ten years ago, when measuring started, only two towns/cities in Ireland were deemed to have reached this standard.

“Here’s hoping that Ennis will be even cleaner than the average European town in 2013, the year of the Gathering,” he added.

The survey gave grade Bs to Ennis National School and the Railway Station.

According to IBAL, the Kilrush Road creates a “positive first impression” of Ennis.

On the Quin Road, the report states, “There was a significant improvement recorded at this site, especially at the bridge area. Hope- fully this high standard can now be maintained.”

Holy Family Junior and Senior School is described as a “great site”. The report states, “the extensive grass area was in very good condition and the planters were a lovely feature – all aspects of the site surveyed were in good order.”

On McHugh Villas, the report states, “A low density residential area which was well laid out – the grass area was nicely kept with colourful planting and mature trees – a top ranking site throughout.”

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