
New bill to change the make up of school boards

This article is from page 14 of the 2011-11-29 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 14 JPG

THE make up of boards of management in a number of secondary schools across Clare could be altered under new proposals from the Department of Education and Skills.

Under the new Education and Training Bill (2011), which will see Clare VEC merge with Limerick City VEC and Limerick County VEC, any nominees must reside within the “locality of the Board of Management”.

CEO, George O’Callaghan told the November meeting of Clare VEC that it is Minster Ruairí Quinn’s view that VEC nominees would have to live in the parish where the school is located.

“The minister has very clear views on board members travelling from one side of the county to the other,” he said.

Clare VEC is involved in seven post primary schools – Ennis Community College, Ennistymon Vocational School, Kildysart Community College, Kilkee Community College, Killaloe Community College, Kilmihil Vocational School and Scariff Community College.

In a report on the new Education and Training Bill (2011), Mr O’Callaghan explained that “The main objectives of the bill relate to local delivery and co-ordination of education and training and provides for the establishment of new education and training boards.”

He told the meeting that the greater Limerick area had been designated as the headquarters for the new ETB.

Mr O’Callaghan also outlined the composition of the education and training boards (ETBs).

Each ETB Board will consist of 18 members comprised of: 10 people elected by the local authority or local authorities as appropriate in the proportions specified by the minister; two people nominated by each national association of parents; two people who are members of staff and elected by members of staff; four people nominated by bodies specified for this purpose by the minister having a special interest in or knowledge relating to education and training.

Mr O’Callaghan told the meeting that the VEC representative body, the Irish Vocational Education Association (IVEA), has recommended that 15 places be allocated for councillors to represent Clare, Limerick City and Limerick County.

Responding to a question from Committee Chairman, Cllr Tommy Brennan (Ind), Mr O’Callaghan said that discussions have taken place regarding the future arrangement of the IVEA.

Cllr Brennan was critical of the role of the IVEA, saying it had not done enough to represent the interest of Clare VEC. He said, “In my opinion, they sold us out.”

According to Mr O’Callaghan’s report, the Bill provides “for the recruitment, suspension and dismissal of staff”.

It also provides for the “transfer of former VEC staff to the ETB and/ or redeployment to another ETB or public service body”.

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