This article is from page 38 of the 2011-06-21 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 38 JPG
THE Ennis Youth and Community Resource Building in Cloughleigh, Ennis, was officially opened on Friday by Frances Fitzgerald, TD, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, and Councillor Tommy Brennan, Mayor of Ennis.
The Junction, which was constructed on land owned by Ennis Town Council, features a youth café/drop in centre and will be used as a base from which youth services and programmes to targeted groups will be delivered.
The project costs amounted to € 645,000, of which € 357,000 was allocated to the Council under the Social and Community Facilities Capital Scheme 2006. The balance of the capital expenditure was provided from the Council’s own resources. The Council was the contracting authority for the construction of the building and has leased the completed building to Clare Youth Service.
Mayor of Ennis Cllr Tommy Brennan described the new youth and community facility as a major addition to the town’s community and recreational infrastructure.
He added: “The Council has worked closely with the Clare Youth Service to bring this project to fruition. A range of youth programmes will be delivered from this building and in addition the facilities here will also be available to the wider community.”
“I would like to compliment and congratulate the contractor Liam O’Doherty of Gildoc Ltd and the design team, which was led by Richard Rice of Healy and Partners, on completion of an attractive, modern energy efficient building.
Michael Byrne, Chairperson of Clare Youth Service, commented: “This new initiative will see the development of youth-led community facilities for the benefit of all. It will bring all sections together building the relationships which are the foundation of strong communities.”
He said the youth service was aware of the “myriad” of social problems affecting young people such as addiction, unemployment and youth emigration.
Mr Byrne added that communities around Ennis had recently been marred by “violent death and suicide”. He said, “There are still enormous needs as a community we need to respond to.”
Speaking at the official opening Ger Dollard, Ennis Town Manager, stated that extensive negotiations had taken place since the project was first mooted almost 10 years ago. He highlighted the roles played by Youth Service CEO, Margaret Slattery, and local young people in the development of the centre.
He added, “We have established an advisory board comprising of representatives of the Youth Service, local community, Town Council and Gardaí to oversee the development of the facility. Ennis Town Council looks forward to continuing to play its role in what we expect will be a very successful community facility.”
Clare Youth Service has been at the forefront of the development of many initiatives in its 42 years of working with young people and their communities throughout the county. Set up in 1969, Clare Youth Service today provides direct services to over 3,000 young people aged 12 to 25 years around the county.