
Towns sewerage system under strain

This article is from page 17 of the 2007-11-06 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 17 JPG

CONCERN over the pressure being exerted on the Ennis sewer network by development has emerged as one of the key issues affecting the future erowth of the town.

Speaking at last night’s meeting of Ennis Town Council, Town Engineer Tom Tiernan admitted the system was under strain and that innova- tive solutions would be needed until a permanent water treatment plant is in place in 2012.

He said, “The treatment plants are approaching capacity but that doesn’t mean that development can’t con-

tinue. There is a bridge to be gapped between now and 2012. There is a deficiency creeping into the system given the level of development that has taken place in the past 10 years. We will have to be more careful in our planning assessments…it will require a certain degree of thinking outside the box.”

Fine Gael councillor Johnny Flynn said the infrastructural deficiencies were the fault of the Government.

Yesterday, councillors accepted the report compiled by Town Manager Tom Coughlan and County Manager Alec Flemming, on pre-draft submis- sions for the review of the Ennis and

Environs Development Plan 2003. Ennis Town Council and Clare County Council have received 169 written submissions relating to the review of the development plan. Strictly dealing with land-use is- sues, the revised plan will seek to guide and facilitate the future growth of Ennis and its surrounding area. The development plan covers a Ssix- year period while the current plan is due to expire in December 2008. The other main issues that emerged during consideration of the submis- sions were the need to protect the Drumcliffe springs inner protection zone, inadequate road infrastructure,

the need for additional residential zoned land, isolated development in open countryside and flood risk ar- eas.

Cllr Donal O’Bearra (GP) said the council had not followed through on commitments made in the previous plan regarding the provision of cycle lanes. He said, “Both Ennis Town Council and Clare County Council have not been putting in facilities for cyclists. There are 70,000 people visiting Ireland on cycling holidays. Executive planner Bill Sansum ad- mitted there was concern over the lack of suitable cycling facilities in Sav evESe

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