This article is from page 1 of the 2014-11-25 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 1 JPG
prison off cers were required to quell the latest disturbance that occurred in Ennis Courthouse on Friday evening. Three gardaí and two pris on off cers left the courtroom to pro vide assistance to their colleagues after loud banging and shouting was heard from the cells.
Following the incidents a prison of f cer told the court from the witness box that a man had become “quite agitated and violent” after another man allegedly passed him some ille gal substance while in court. He was subsequently removed from the cell to a prison van.
The court heard that a prison of f cer was accidentally injured during the disturbance.
Flanked by f ve prison off cers and two gardaí, the accused returned to the court. In May, the same man, a Mr Eddie O’Sullivan with a Limer ick address, appeared in court wear ing just his boxer shorts after strip ping in protest at getting chicken nuggets and not a snack box for his lunch, while in custody.