
Two plead guilty to weapons possession at Bank Place

This article is from page 14 of the 2013-01-15 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 14 JPG

TWO men have pleaded guilty to the possession of weapons during a morning dispute at a post office in Ennis earlier this year.

Details of the incident, which occurred at Bank Place, Ennis on June 6, 2012, were heard at Ennis District Court on Wednesday.

Michael Carr (22), with an address at Rose Cottage, Clarecastle and Martin Faulkner (23), with an address at Rose Cottage, Clarecastle were both charged with offences under the firearms and offensive weapons act.

Mr Carr pleaded guilty to the possession of a golf club intended by him unlawfully to cause injury to, incapacitate or intimidate a person.. Mr Faulkner pleaded guilty to possession of a timber bat intended by him unlawfully to cause injury to, incapacitate or intimidate a person.

A third man – Michael Mongans (23), with an address at Clarehill, Clarecastle, also appeared in court in connection with the incident at Bank Place. He is charged with possession of a machete.

Inspector Tom Kennedy told the court that the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) had directed summary disposal of the cases.

He explained that the State would allege that all three accused were involved on two sides of a dispute that started after a man went to the post office to pick up a social welfare payment.

The court heard that an assault did not take place at the time. Insp Kennedy said that charges had been brought because it was alleged that Mr Carr and Mr Faulkner had brought the weapons to get involved in the dispute.

Solicitor for Mr Carr and Mr Faulkner, Daragh Hassett, said his clients were pleading guilty to the charges.

All three men were remanded on continuing bail to appear again at Ennis District Court on February 13.

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