
Unanimous support for Kilrush draft budget

This article is from page 10 of the 2012-12-25 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 10 JPG

KILRUSH Town Council passed what was described as “a particularly difficult budget” on Thursday evening, a function they undertook for the second last time as the Minister for the Environment plans to abolish all town councils in 2014.

In drawing up the draft budget, which was accepted in full by the members, the council officials had to contend with a cut to its local Government Funding of five per cent – € 24,287.

Town Manager and Director of Service Anne Haugh said, “The Draft Budget provides for expenditure of € 1,348,986 in 2012. Income excluding rates and the Local Government Fund, has been estimated at € 631,133 in 2013 compared to € 625,473 in 2012.”

Kilrush Town Council payroll has also been reduced by € 32,237 from that provided in the 2012 Budget.

“However, notwithstanding this, Kilrush Town Council are proposing to maintain the existing level of services in 2013,” said Ms Haugh.

In an attempt to balance the books and yet reflect the difficulties that local businesses are experiencing in the “current economic climate”, the local authority agreed to maintain the commercial rates at that 2012 level.

Impacting on the 2013 budget is a loan drawn down in 2005 to fund works on Henry Street and at the Vandeleur Walled Garden.

However, loan repayments have been reduced by € 9,023 on loan charges in 2012 due to capital re- payments on the loan and also the reduced interest rate.

There was some good news for those renting their home from the local government as it was agreed there would be no increase in household rent.

The council was not optimistic in receiving a large income for planning applications in 2013.

“It is anticipated that in the current economic climate that the number of planning applications received will again be insignificant, hence a provision of € 750 for planning ap- plications fees has been provided for in 2013,” explained Ms Haugh.

The town council agreed to support numerous community groups and public vents in the coming year.

A total of € 13, 550 was provided for tourism development and promotion, € 5,000 was provided for the Shop Front Initiative and a provision of € 2,000 was included for the Gathering in 2013.

The council provided € 10,000 in hope that it will be named the lead town in Munster for the National Famine Commemoration.

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