
Four gardaí needed to remove man from car

This article is from page 10 of the 2012-12-25 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 10 JPG

A MAN who had to be forcefully removed from his ex-girlfriend’s car by four gardaí had been ordered to pay € 575 in compensation and donations to the court poor box.

Brendan Brosnan, Ballycasey, Shannon pleaded guilty to four charges relating to a night that saw him arrested by gardaí and placed in a cell where he later caused criminal damage.

The 35-year-old refused legal representation at Ennis District Court, the operations manager opting to represent himself.

Prosecuting Garda Inspector Tom Kennedy told the court that on Sunday December 15, 2012, Mairead Gavin called Shannon Garda Station and reported that her ex-boyfriend had refused to get out of her car.

She said she had been giving Mr Brosnan a lift home and when they got to his house he told her he was not leaving the car.

Garda Pearce and Sergeant Ryan went to the house but Mr Brosnan refused to get out of the car.

Two more gardaí and a second patrol car were called to scene.

Eventually the four gardaí forced Mr Brosnan from the car.

He then started to hit out at gardaí and told Garda Pearce he would “kick the head off him”.

Inspector Kennedy said Mr Brosnan was taken to a cell at Shannon Garda Station where he then “stuffed a cell blanket into the toilet” causing damage to the blanket.

“Tell me why I should not impose a prison sentence,” asked presiding Judge Patrick Durkan.

“It was totally out of character for me and I do apologise to the gardaí on the night.

I threw the blanket and it ended up in the toilet,” said Mr Brosnan.

“I am very embarrassed and deeply ashamed.”

“I have no excuse,” adding that he was inebriated at the time.

Inspector Kennedy told Judge Durkan that the loss to the state following the damage to the blanket was € 75.

“Your behaviour on the night was appalling,” the judge said to the defendant.

Taking into account his clean record and early plea Judge Durkin ordered Mr Brosnan to pay € 175 in compensation – € 75 towards the cost of the blanket and € 100 for the clean up of the cell.

He remanded him to appear in Ennis District Court on February 16 by which time Mr Brosnan must have paid the compensation and € 400 to the court’s poor box.

If these orders are not met Mr Brosnan was told he will be fined a total of € 950.

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