
Parking extended

This article is from page 14 of the 2012-03-27 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 14 JPG

KILRUSH area councillors have voted to extend the parking time of O’Curry Street in Kilkee to two hours.

The councillors were supporting a proposal by their Kilkee Town Council colleagues that asked for longer parking hours on the street and from opposite the convent to the roundabout on the Carrigaholt Road to the eastern side of Circular Road.

Shoppers and diners can now park in both these areas for two hours, where previously they were restricted to just one. It was also suggested by the Kilkee public representatives that these restrictions apply only during June, July and August from 10am to 6pm, seven days a week.

While the town council can propose such changes for the town, the county council must support them before they can be ratified and become law.

Mayor of Kilkee Elaine Haugh Hayes (FG) addressed the meeting of Kilrush area councillors on Wednesday and told them that one hour parking was insufficient for visitors and customers.

She also raised concerns about residents who live in the area and have to move their cars every day, while the parking byelaws are in place.

Cllr Pat Keane (FF) asked “Where do they go with their cars during the day?”

Director of Services Nora Kaye told the meeting that the byelaws determine the residential permits and they are not currently accommodated.

“We will look into it,” she said.

Cllr Gabriel Keating (FG) suggested that a list of residents who would require a permit be drawn up before the May meting of the council and the issue be addressed again.

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