
Caherlohan over Cusack Park, but at what cost?

This article is from page 62 of the 2011-11-15 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 62 JPG

THE cash-strapped Clare County Board is going to have to come up with “substantial funds” to finish its centre of training excellence in Caherlohan near Tulla, last Tuesday’s meeting of Clare GAA was told.

And, if the board can’t muster the finances to pay for the facility that has already has nearly € 4m pumped into it, it will remain closed and won’t open – that was the stark message delivered by county board secretary Pat Fitzgerald as he challenged club delegates to decide where “the priority is” when it comes to spending of Clare GAA infrastructure.

“It is important that clubs would be aware, that there is an onus on the board to ensure that Tulla (Caherlohan) is properly dealt with,” said Fitzgerald.

The debate rose after it was revealed by Fitzgerald and county board chairman, Michael O’Neill, that substantial also needs to be spent on Cusack Park. However, Fitzgerald hinted that Caherlohan and not Clare GAA headquarters should become the main priority.

“There is going to have to be a substantial sum of money that his board is going to have to invest if we are going to open Tulla. That is going to have to be one of the priorities.

More serious than Cusack Park, I think, is that we have a facility in Tulla.

“We have invested € 1.8m that Croke Park has given, in fairness to them. Only because of the money we got we would be in dire straits today. But it is going to cost substantial more money if we are going to be able to open that. I think that is a decision the board is going to have to make – where they priority is.

“We can leave it closed and develop some place else. At the end of the day the county committee is the overall governing body – it is important, it is incumbent on us as the managers of county board to put those issues in front of you. It is important that you know about them. I can assure you that they are not trivial,” he added.

It sparked some stormy exchanges between county board chairman Michael O’Neill and Doonbeg del egate over how much it was going to cost to finish the Caherlohan facility.

“We’re stuck outside in Tulla and we haven’t the money to finish it. Where is the money going to come to finish Tulla,” said Neenan. It looks like that it’s not just the coaching structures that have suffered from bad planning, but with Cusack Park too,” added the outspoken Doonbeg delegate.

“We’re moving forward,” interjected Michael O’Neill.

“You keep saying you’re moving forward, but it’s bad planning Mr Chairman,” responded Neenan.

“It’s not bad planning. As far as I remember it was a decision made here by the county committee, to buy the land out in Tulla and development it,” said O’Neill.

“You said that Mr Chairman, where is the money going to come from to finish Tulla,” said Neenan.

“I did no such thing say,” hit back O’Neill. “Withdraw that comment.”

“I won’t withdraw that comment.”

“The question (about where the money is going to come from to finish Tulla) was answered. Michael (Neenan), you are telling lies.”

“I am not telling lies,” said Neenan.

“Tell us the figure that you have to finish Tulla then,” added Neenan.

“It has been said three times. How many times do you want to hear it.”

“Be transparent and tell us,” said Neenan.

“There is nobody up here not being straight about anything. If you want to call off the meeting, we will get it called off,” said O’Neill.

“Well, we’re going nowhere with the meeting. I’m just asking the question, how much is going to cost to finish Tulla,” asked Neenan.

“Anybody here think the county board is misleading anybody about anything,” asked O’Neill.

“No,” went a chorus from the floor.

No figure was given, before chairman Michael O’Neill closed the debate on the subject. .

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