This article is from page 12 of the 2011-06-21 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 12 JPG
THE process of t ur ning the Vandeleur Walled Garden into a haven for Clare craftworkers has moved closer this week following t he news that funding may be available for creating an enter prise centre on the old landlord estate adjacent to Kil r ush.
To mark the Year of the Craft 2011, Kil r ush Town Council has backed a proposal by t he for mer town mayor, Cll r Tom Prendeville (FF), to play host to a craftworkers’ exhibition at t he conference cent re in the walled garden and to follow this up by seeking expressions of interest for the est ablishment of permanent on site craft units.
“This council, in association wit h the West Clare Task Force, has identified job creation opport unities in the area. The creation of a craft /micro-enter prise village within the garden has employment potential,” said Cll r Prendeville in launching his blueprint for new employment.
“Similar enter prises in Spiddal and Kil kenny have been an outstanding success. Stagi ng an exhibition of the best craft products i n Clare would be a first step in realizi ng t hat potential,” he added.
“Ar rangements are al ready being made to host a craft display in the Vandeleur Walled Garden during the summer,” responded town clerk John Cor r y.
“It is hoped at this display to gauge possible i nterest from members of the Clare Craftworkers Association to working from small craft units at the walled garden facilit y.
“Investigations are presently t aking place to deter mine the feasibility and cost of providing such units. We have also approached the CLDC re possible funding for such a proposal and t hey have indicated t hat they may look favourably on an application for funding for such a development,” he added.
“Maybe this craft exhibition could be held during the summer or maybe late aut umn,” said Cll r Prendevil le. “We should contact the Clare Craftworkers Assocation for thei r views on the matter,” he added.