This article is from page 17 of the 2011-05-24 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 17 JPG
GARDAI are investigating vandalism which involved gravestones at an historic cemetery in East Clare being smashed.
Three headstones at Kilquane Cemetery in Parteen have been smashed and toppled over.
Previously, gravestones had pieces chipped away but the fresh vandalism is described as being of a much more serious nature
Locals are outraged at what they see as “wanton vandalism and sacrilege” after a committee formed locally put in trojan work to make the graveyard accessible for visitors and tourists.
The Kilquane Cemetery Committee have held meetings with local representatives and gardai have confirmed they are taking the destruction very seriously.
The historic cemetery, which is final resting place to a host of colourful characters, was made accessible last year thanks to a community effort and the generosity of a local business.
The Parteen resting place dates back to the seventh century. Local historian, Donal Ó Riain was closely involved in the project to create access to the overgrown and rubblestrewn area.
“The ruins of the church are from the 7th century and the first recorded burial there was in 1700. That was Phillip McAdams, the man who was said to be a traitor because he showed the Williamites a safe way across the river to attack Sarsfiled’s Jacobites.”
Also buried in the cemetary is the last man to say Mass in the Protestant Cathedral of St Mary’s.
Padraig O’Brian, the noted Úileann piper has also found a place of rest there.
“For years, there was a problem for people getting into the cemetary because you had to cross a field to get to it but then we got permission from the new landowners to make a pathway across the field and Bobby O’Connell quarries in Ballycar got involved and they gave us the materials to put in a path. Frank Sweeney, a local man came along with his truck and his JCB and laid it out,” he said.