
A Dragon’s Den for West Clare?

This article is from page 5 of the 2011-05-17 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 5 JPG

A NEW attempt to spark a jobs revival in West Clare is to be kick-started and spearheaded by a Clare County Council task force that has charged itself with responsibility for breathing new life into the region’s economy.

The West Clare Economic Task Force move to take a lead role in stimulating growth comes just as one member of the county council has called for a Dragon’s Den-style approach to promoting new business ventures in the county.

“There’s still people in Clare with money,” said Cllr Gabriel Keating in a rallying call for the county’s rich-list, “and there are still people in Clare with good business ideas that would be worth investing in. The scope is there for West Clare to have its own Dragon’s Den,” he added.

It was at meeting of the West Clare Economic Task Force that Cllr Keating’s call for “a think-tank of the major agencies in job creation be brought to west Clare” received the unanimous backing of the council, which has paved the way for a major seminar that takes place in Kilrush next week.

Kilrush Town Manager Nora Kaye has told The Clare People that “all the key players” will be at the meeting that takes place in Kilrush Golf Club on May 25.

“We want people who are thinking of expanding their business, people establishing a business, or people with business ideas to come, because all the main players will be there, such as the banks, credit unions, Enterprise Irelande, Leader, Shannon Development, Chambers of Commerce, FÁS and the VEC,” said Ms Kaye.

“It will be a one-stop-shop. If people have an idea or have questions, they will be able to get all the information they need. It’s a plan to kick-start development and jobs for west Clare,” she added.

The finer deatails of the task force think-tank were sounded out at last Thursday’s meeting of Kilrush Town Council, just as former town mayor, Cllr Tom Prendeville called on the council to spearhead its own campaign for local economy.

“This council, in conjunction with its Community Development Fund, should invite ideas, suggestions and recommendations for Bright Ideas for Kilrush to help the tourism products of the area, boost trade in the commericial sector and encourage entrepreneurs to create sustainable employment,” said Cllr Prendeville.

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