
Planning appeal over Kuan quarry

This article is from page 18 of the 2010-01-19 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 18 JPG

THE COMPANY behind plans to extract 4.5 tonnes of material from a site in Ruan has appealed Clare County Council’s decision to reject the proposal which was supported by a number of bogus submissions.

Last month, the Council refused planning permission to Lagan Bitu- men Ltd for the 45-acre quarry at Ardkearney, Ruan over fears that it would pose a risk to traffic safety.

The Council claimed that the com- pany did not own the land to upgrad- ing the site and consequently refused planning permission – a move wel- comed by opponents to the plan.

However, in their appeal, Lagan Bitumen state that it is difficult to reconcile the Council’s claim that the proposed upgrade represents a traffic hazard when in fact, it repre- sents a major design improvement in the existing junction.

They state that the roads upgrade will be on land registered by Ennis Supply Ltd. and landowner, Stephen Flaherty is agreeable in principle to the works being carried out on his Voce) route

Lagan Bitumen and is one of the Lagan Group of companies and the material extracted from the site will be used by another of the Lagan Group sites — the Irish asphalt site at Tulla.

The appeal states that site inves- tigations have established that the material available at Ardkearney is eminently suitable for use in the Tul- la plant as it has been rated as high quality limestone.

A decision is due on the appeal later this year.

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