This article is from page 5 of the 2009-11-24 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 5 JPG
RESIDENTS of Cappahard Lodge, a long-stay psychiatric residence on the Tulla Road, have spent their fifth night in Ennis General Hospital, hav- ing been evacuated from their home due to the flooding.
The 28 residents were removed from the unit on Thursday afternoon due to flooding in the unit’s sewerage system.
Museum House on Francis Street, which houses Clare’s health promo- tion services, opened for business yesterday (Monday) having also fall- en victim to the flooding.
The Bindon Street clinic in Ennis was also cut off by flooding. All ap- pointments for dental and communi- ty care services were cancelled and members of the public were asked not to attend. New appointments will be made later.
HSE staff, including community welfare officers, doctors, child care and social workers, psychologists and psychiatrists, have also been em- ployed to work through the weekend to assist 105 people from Ennis who were evacuated to the West County elolror
The staff were employed to help those evacuated to come to terms with the trauma of the experience.