
‘He threatened to STUER DED hme: eCes

This article is from page 13 of the 2009-11-24 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 13 JPG

A COURT has heard that a man threatened to break a traffic warden’s face while he took photographs of cars parked on a green area in Kil- Met ep

Aidan Carrig (34), of St Patrick’s Terrace, Kilrush, pleaded guilty to engaging in threatening, abusive or insulting behaviour on November 5, 2008.

A traffic warden told Kilrush Dis- trict Court that a complaint was made to the town hall in Kilrush in relation to parking on the green at St Patrick’s Terrace, on November 5 last year. He said he was asked to go there and take photographs. He went to the area and while there, he encountered Aidan Carrig.

“He threatened me to smash my face if I used the photos as evi- dence,’ he said. He said the accused later apologised to him.

Defending solicitor Eugene O’ Kelly

said his client’s behaviour was totally out of order and that the traffic war- den’s job “is difficult enough without people speaking to you in that man- ner”.

He said his client’s recollection of what was said was somewhat differ- ent. “There was reference to putting the camera where the sun don’t shine,” he said.

He said his client did not realise he was doing wrong by putting his car up on the green. “The width of the roadway is insufficient for the number of cars parking there. Had he been asked not to park there, he wouldn’t have parked there,’ he said.

He said his client reacted very bad- ly and does not have any animosity towards the traffic warden.

The court was told the accused has a number of previous convictions and a one-month jail term was im- posed. A bond was fixed in the event of an appeal.

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