This article is from page 26 of the 2009-11-24 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 26 JPG
SUSU m eV ENitom Neon stl IloaALos produced – that’s the key message be- ing delivered by the Limerick Clare Kerry Regional Waste Management Office (RWMO) ahead of the first annual European Week of Waste Reduction, which takes place from November 21-29.
The project aims to advise busi- nesses, local organisations and the general public about the kind of waste reduction habits that they can take up in everyday life.
According to Pauline McDonagh of the RWMO, there are many ways in which ordinary people can play a vital role in reducing the amount of waste produced in the region.
“With 522ke of municipal waste generated on average per person in Ireland, raising awareness about waste reduction and promoting changes in production and consump- tion patterns is more urgent than ever,’ she said.
‘Whether it is through the reduction or reuse of packaging, the purchase of long-life products or the reduc- tion of food waste, every individual and organisation in Clare, Kerry and Limerick can play their part.
“Eliminating or preventing waste makes good environmental and fi- nancial sense. After all, if waste is not created it does not have to be treated and disposed of, which is much bet- ter for the local and global environ-
ment, better for climate change, and better financially for householders, businesses and other organisations.”
Events taking place in Clare from November 21 to 29 include a waste prevention awareness initiative at Organic Lens Manufacturing in En-
nis and an RW MO information stand at the Shannon Development Busi- ness Centre at the Information Age Park in Ennis.