This article is from page 59 of the 2009-11-17 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 59 JPG
GENEROUS Clare people haven’t said ‘Bah Humbug’ to charities despite the recession. Operation Christmas Child – also know as the Shoebox Appeal – saw 5,600 boxes sent to children in need for people in Clare up to Monday of this week. And the appeal closing date has been extended until tomorrow so there is still time to get shoeboxes into the main warehouse in Elevation Park in Ennis, Curves or Shoe Zone. Clare co-ordinator for the appeal, Louis Duffy, said that while there are fewer boxes this year than last year, the average donation in each box is up. Louis reiterated the position of the Irish Operation Christmas Child on the controversy about handing out religious information with the boxes. “We are instructed not only that no religious item or information is to go in but that we are to take anything we find in a box out. People are wel- come to come here to the warehouse and see for themselves what goes in,’ said Louis. Meanwhile, Niall Mellon, founder of the Niall Mellon Township Trust led the Clare volunteers onto site in Wal- lacedene in South Africa last week as part of the Niall Mellon Township Trust’s eighth Building Blitz. Over 950 volunteers paraded into site, all kitted out in their coloured team t-
shirts, hard hats and tools. The vol- unteers were greeted with open arms by hundreds of delighted residents. The ‘Walk In’ marks the first day of this year’s week-long build, where the Clare volunteers, together with others from around the country, will construct over 200 houses for fami- lies in Wallacedene. Despite the car- nival atmosphere, all the team mem- bers were building within minutes. In the face of global recession, al- most 3,500 people have volunteered this year with the Niall Mellon Township Trust. This record-break- ing figure comprises of 1,500 Irish and 2,000 South African volunteers and brings the total number of peo- ple who have volunteered with the charity to 8,500, since Niall Mellon first launched his house building in1-
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And Concern Worldwide has launched its 40th annual Christmas Fast, which takes place this year on Thursday, December 3 and aims to raise more than €1 million for the poorest people in the developing world. Throughout 2008, the gener- ous people of Clare raised a total of €765,419 and Concern is hoping for continued participation in the fast this year.
‘The Christmas fast has always en- joyed immense support from Clare and we hope to see this enthusiasm continue in its 40th year,’ said Phi- lomena Daly McDarby from Corofin, who works with Concern in Ireland.