
New playgrounds a community effort

This article is from page 32 of the 2009-11-10 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 32 JPG

TEACHERS, students and _ local businesses have all contributed to the total revamp of the Ennistymon Vocational School playground which was officially reopened last week. Students from the nearby Mol an Oige National School were invited by the vocational school to join in the opening of the facility. The de- velopment was made possible, not only through Department of Educa- tion funding but also the efforts of local people.

Indeed, much of the work for the playground took place over the sum- mer months – with staff and students pitching in to lend a hand.

One of the centre points for the new facility is a large handball alley, com- pletely re-plastered by Barry Chap- man with the assistance of teachers and students. The alley was then dec- orated with a mural completed by art teachers Bairbre Geraghty and Edel Hogan with the help of a number of students.

A number of local businesses helped out in the fundraising effort with Daly’s Pub raising €700 on Arthur Guinness’ Day, a golf classic – sup- ported by numerous local businesses – at the Lahinch Castle Course, while the students also raised much needed finances with a sponsored walks, a run and a church gate collection.

Meanwhile, the students also used

the day to mark their participation in SEV ONE ESM oro.e

Maddie Paine from the Samaritans spoke about the Christmas shoe box appeal, while Glen Guilfoyle from Clare Youth Service spoke to the students on developing the mental health initiative and policy in the school.

Indeed the school has been making strides in this area in recent times with a welfare care team hosting weekly meetings and different coun- selling services being made available for students.

In recent weeks, a young men’s eroup has been established which allows students to talk and get help from their peers.

“We take Mental Health Week very seriously. It 1s an opportunity to fo- cus On us aS acommunity of not just teachers and students but as a group of people coming together as a unit of care and understanding,” said a school spokesperson.

“As one student remarked during last year’s Mental Health Week in the school: we are like one big fam- raed

The school also used the day to present a cheque for €200 to Patrick Bogue of Clare Crusaders. The mon- ey will go to the Clare Crusaders’ Barefield-based clinic where spe- Cialists treatment is provided to more than 120 children.

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