This article is from page 12 of the 2009-11-10 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 12 JPG
A BAG, containing €2,800 worth of drugs, was thrown from a car into the river while gardai were in pursuit, a CLoLtD am Nor DKC MoI KOKerh Ys Michael McMahon (22), of Plunkett Drive, Kilkishen, and Keith Ryan (20), of Orchard Drive, Clarecastle, admitted possession of drugs for sale or supply on August 28, 2008. Inspector John Galvin told En- nis District Court yesterday that members of the divisional drugs unit in Clare were on patrol on the Quin Road in Ennis on the date in question. SW eleavaeelelateeeme. car parked beside a soccer pitch. TRAE Tete hom OD’s Michael McMa- hon and Keith Ryan was the passenger. The car pulled away and travelled in the opposite direc- tion to the gardai. He said that Ryan threw a brown carrier bag out of the car and into the river. Gardai pursued the car for a distance of five kilome- tres. During some of this time, the vehicle was driven dangerously. The bag was taken from the river
and it was found to contain cannabis herb, valued at €2,803.
The court heard that McMahon had a small number of previous convic- tions, while Ryan had none.
Defending solicitor Daragh Has- sett said that both men are unem- ployed plumbers. He said that they went overseas on holidays together in the summer and during the holi- day, Michael McMahon’s brother
drowned. He said _ that the two accused “intend to stay trouble-free for the rest of their lives”. Judge Aeneas McCarthy im- posed a nine- month jail term on McMahon and suspended this OVNMCCey NCD LALOveMmNer-NE he be of good be- haviour for two years. He said he was taking the mitigating —cir- cumstances into consideration. He adjourned Ryan’s case for two months and directed that a probation report be carried out on him.