This article is from page 29 of the 2009-11-03 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 29 JPG
LEGENDARY ‘Tulla walker and dancer, Kitty Leyden, is to feature as one of the contestants on this week’s ‘Jig Gig’ programme.
T na G have started another 13 part series of the popular show and Kitty said she was “delighted” to be asked to take part.
“T got the shock of my life when they rang me and said I had been nominated – I thought they were cod- ing me. But they called back and I had to go to Jury’s in Limerick first to dance for them to see would I get through to the next round.”
Kitty made it through the Limer- ick try-outs and was asked to go to Dublin to the RTE studios where the filming would take place.
“T was delighted – I didn’t get any further in the competition than that but I got to take part and I had a love- ly time in Dublin. I always wanted to see RTE and I got to meet all of the newsreaders and the cast of Fair City – | really enjoyed it.”
The episode featuring Kitty danc- ing will be screened this Sunday, November 9