
Courses look to solve cash flow woes

This article is from page 67 of the 2009-11-03 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 67 JPG

ENNIS Chamber Business School in conjunction with Chambers Ireland and FAS, has announced details of training courses for November to as- sist businesses with managing their credit and getting paid in order to support cash flow.

Rita Mc Inerney, CEO of Ennis Chamber said: “Cash flow is the life- blood of any business, particularly at a time when it can be difficult to ob- tain credit. Therefore Ennis Cham- ber felt a need to address this head

on by providing businesses with an opportunity to up-skill themselves or their staff by providing one and two day intensive training courses.”

The first course “How to Get Paid” is branded as having the potential to turn a businesses fortunes around in the current climate. This course takes place on Wednesday, Novem- ber 11 and will cover topics such as spotting the risks, proper documen- tation, approaches to collections and legal options as well as handouts on forms and layouts, and terms and Fey aTen TBO) e tse

Secondly a two day course on “Managing Credit for Profit” is de- signed to bring the credit manage- ment function into the 21st century. Taking place on Wednesdays, No- vember 11 and 18, this course intro- duces the positive benefit of excellent credit management and how to effec- tively manage credit exposure while also teaching some accountancy skills and prioritisation.

This training is delivered by the Chief Executive of the Irish Insti- tute of Credit Management, Declan Flood, who is a regular contributor

to the national media. He has gained a reputation as a leading visionary in the area by combining the latest thinking with his 20 years of hands on credit management.

Both courses qualify for Continu- ous Professional Development (CDP) hours and run from 9.30am-5pm on each day at the Old Ground Hotel, O’Connell Street, Ennis, County Clare at a cost of €175 per day per participant.

For bookings please contact Marga- ret Neylon at Ennis Chamber on 065 684 2988 or

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