This article is from page 27 of the 2009-10-06 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 27 JPG
WHEN it comes to the sweets we stuffed into our mouths and pockets in years gone by, we’re all just big children. And now a Meelick woman has made a business out of giving the big children a sweet shop to play in.
“T set up Irish Candy Buffets in May. I had just finished college and despite a degree in business, a mas- ters in marketing, plus two subse- quent years of postgraduate research, I was finding it very difficult to se- cure any sort of employment, “said company founder, Yvonne Crowe.
“T was also planning my wedding
and was using my free time to re- search ideas in the hope of coming across something special and unique to help make our day memorable. Nothing quite grabbed my eye, but an idea was starting to form in my head. I began to design old-style can- dy carts and enlisted the help of my father and fiancé to bring my designs to life.”
What Irish Candy Buffets supplies are custom-made old-style sweet carts, overflowing with childhood favourites, many of which people haven’t laid eyes on in years. “Sher- bet dips, candy necklaces, chocolate cigarettes, popping candy, black
jacks, whams, refreshers. It’s all here!” said Yvonne.
Irish Candy Buffets also supplies personalised sweetie bags and table poems. “But best of all are the un- limited sweets – thanks to a built-in mini storeroom underneath the cart,” said Yvonne.
So far, the majority of bookings Yvonne has had are for wedding re- ceptions, but she has also catered for an international conference held in Dublin last month.
“I’m hoping to branch out more into the corporate arena, as I believe that the candy carts would be very novel for product launches, conferences or
simply as staff morale boosters. And they’re ideal for any sort of party, such as christenings, communions, 2\1st’s, or retirements.”
Since May, the website has had more than 8,000 visits and has received a large number of bookings, some as far ahead as the end of 2011.
With a showcase for the Meelick company at the forthcoming Wed- ding and Engagement Fair at the Limerick racecourse, Irish Candy Carts look set for the sweet smell of success. Contact the company at