THE Health Information and Qual- ity Authority found that services at Ennis General Hospital were unsafe.
In its 13l-page report following an investigation into the quality and safety of services and supporting ar- rangements provided by the Health Service Executive at the Mid-West- ern Regional Hospital Ennis, the au- thority found it was unsafe to keep the service configuration at the hos- pital as it currently was.
However, according to the report there were significant opportunities for high quality, appropriate services to be provided at Ennis General in the future but these must be safe for the benefit of the public.
According to HIQA, the investiga- tion found examples of good non- acute care being provided at the Clare hospital and a committed ethos from Hospital staff. It also identified a range of services which could be greatly expanded and enhanced at the hospital in the future, including diagnostic services, outpatients, day procedures, appropriate medical care, minor injuries and rehabilita- tion as part of the Regional Hospital Weiaerae
Dr Tracey Cooper, Chief Execu- tive of the Health Information and Quality Authority, said, “The inves- tigation found that the hospital as it is currently configured is unsafe and will need to change the range and types of services it provides for its patients in order to build a thriving, appropriate and safer future for the community that it serves.
“Tt is therefore vitally important that the Health Service Executive sets about planning the implementation of all the recommendations contained in this report, in conjunction with staff
and local communities. Similarly, it is important to ensure that appropri- ate facilities, resources and staff are in place throughout the Mid-Western Hospital Network to effectively man- age these changes safely.”
Diane Whittingham, the chairper- son of the authority’s investigation team, said, “What has driven this investigation is a concern for safety and quality, and there are significant opportunities for high quality, ap- propriate services to be provided at MWRH Ennis in the future.
‘To ensure that these services are fit for purpose, the HSE should, as
a priority, undertake a review of the effective management, leader- ship and governance arrangements at Mid-Western Regional Hospital Limerick to ensure that appropriate arrangements are in place to guar- antee the effective management and safe implementation of these chang- es. However, it is clear that it is un- safe to keep the current service con- figuration at MWRH Ennis and the changes recommended in this Report must happen in a safe and effective manner.”
The Report highlighted a lack of clarity and accountability and found
that there is no single person at hospi- tal level who is fully accountable for the quality and safety of services.
Dr Cooper said, “The case for change has to be developed and com- municated clearly and effectively to patients, the public and healthcare workers. The authority will request the Health Service Executive to pro- duce an implementation plan for the efficient, safe and effective imple- mentation of the 65 recommenda- tions contained within the Report and we look forward to working with it and all other stakeholders to driver safer services.”