This article is from page 6 of the 2009-04-14 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 6 JPG
THOUSANDS of euros worth of dam- age has been caused to classrooms and facilities following a break-in at Ennis National School last week.
Vandals struck in the early hours of Thursday morning, forcing their way into five classrooms and destroying property.
Classrooms for students in first, sec- ond and third class were hit. School principal, Gary Stack said rubbish bins were emptied around in the rooms and major damage was caused to doors and windows.
“There was a stroke of evil about this,” said Mr Stack. *““They emptied bins around the place. As well as that, they went around the rooms and pulled out books and left the rooms in an awful condition. They broke two windows. It looked like they used an iron bar to force themselves in.”
This latest incident marks the 11th time in the past year that the schools has been subject to a break-in.
“It’s strange, we had a break in dur- ing Holy Week last year. They’ve been happening almost one a month over the past year. It is very disheart- ening for the caretaker and all the staff when things like this happen.”
Gardai in Ennis confirmed yester- day that they have questioned three people in relation to the incident.