
‘Wesatesuers over €12m windfarm plans

This article is from page 27 of the 2009-03-10 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 27 JPG

CLARE County Council has serious concerns over plans to construct a €12 million eight turbine windfarm in an upland area of east Clare.

In December, SWS Energy Ltd lodged plans with the council for the 350 metre high windfarm to the south of the Maghera Mountain range and seven kilometres from Tulla.

In the Environmental Impact State- ment (EIS) lodged with the plan- ning application, SWS Energy Ltd claimed that the potential impacts associated with a wind energy devel- opment of this size and layout could be absorbed and accommodated without significant impairment of the existing environment.

However, the Department of the Environment told Clare County Council that the proposal “on its own and in combination with other plans and projects, had the potential to have significant effects on the Spe- cial Protection Area (SPA) and its conservations objectives.”

The Irish Peatland Conservation Council (IPCC) said it couldn’t sup- port the development as it would be adjacent to Glendree Bog Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and would negatively affect its conserva- tion status by affecting the hydrol- ogy of the site, its biodiversity and its habitat.

Numerous local objections were also lodged against the plan.

In response, the council has put the plan on hold requiring additional further information.

The council stated that, “A number of serious concerns arise in terms of the geotechnical qualities and the stability of the site and the impact that the proposed development, both during construction phases and op- erational phases, may have on this.

The council has also stated that three breeding pairs of Hen Harriers were recorded within five kilometres of the site and that this is significant from a local and national perspec- tive.

The council added that the site is a known roosting site for the Green- land White Fronted goose.

“The proposed development has the potential to have significant ef- fects on the Special Protection Area and/or the Special Area of Conser- vation and their conservation objec- tives. Accordingly, a EU Habitats Directive ‘Appropriate Assessment’ is required by way of further infor- mation.”

In its objection, the IPCC stated that, “With the aim of protecting the rare and threatened blanket bog habitat of Glendreee Bog SAC, the proposed development should not be permitted.

“IPCC would consider approval of this development to be setting a very bad example for nature conserva- tion and could compromise Ireland’s commitment to conserving not only Glendree Bog SAC, but SACs throughout the country.”

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