A GROUP whose aim is to integrate newcomers to Shannon has just re- grouped for the winter months.
Le Chéile na Sionna was set up last year and it has focused on welcom- ing all ethnic groups to the town. It was set up in the wake of high num- bers of foreign nationals moving to the town.
Many of them had little social con- tact and the group is geared towards ensuring social networks be formed between those people.
The group has members from a di- verse range of countries, including Mauritius, India, America, France, Germany, Philippines, Wales, Ni-
geria, Poland, England, Egypt, Neth- erlands and Peru.
Le Chéile na Sionna meets on the first Tuesday of every month, at Rineanna hall in Shannon, while it also holds weekend gatherings. Its membership has grown considerably since it was set up in March of last year. Chairperson and founder of the group, Trish Fallon-Barry is delight- ed with the feedback.
“We have almost 60 email ad- dresses on our database. The average attendance tends to be between 15 and 20; usually a mixture of regular faces and new ones,’ she said.
Some of the initial members have moved on, but have remained in con- tact with existing members of the
ea cele l oF “We have made new friends from many countries who have since left Shannon, but have enjoyed the so- cial gatherings and the friendships formed while living here,” she said.
Those who attend the meetings are regularly encouraged to contribute ideas, with a view to making events more enjoyable. Ms Fallon-Barry said many plans are afoot for future activities.
‘Plans for the future include design- ing a little invitation card which can easily be given to those in the town who may not have heard of us yet, but would be interested in joining in. We also hope to organise some enjoyable social outing this coming year, pos-
sibly to the Aran islands where we can soak up the ‘Irish culture’ exper1- ence!” she said.
A special party will be held on Tuesday, December 2 next, when members will be invited to bring their extended families and friends ~NCoyetee
“Last Christmas we had a wonder- ful night where we learned all about the various customs associated with St. Nicholas throughout the world. It’s wonderful to have people in Shannon from literally all over the globe!” she added.
“Through story, song, PowerPoint photos and chat, we have all enjoyed and learned a great deal about each other’s culture’s,’ she said.