This article is from page 10 of the 2008-10-21 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 10 JPG
COUNCILLORS will meet in Ennis today to discuss the draft Ennis and Environs Development Plan despite unease among some members that the process is being rushed.
The meeting, first scheduled to take place last Friday, will examine the Ennis Town Manager’s report on the submissions for the draft plan.
The plan will guide the future growth of Ennis and its surrounding environs in a way that will set out the
future land use requirements of the town’s community for economic de- velopment, recreational, social, com- munity, residential, transport and in- frastructural needs.
The review of the 2003 plan also addresses other zoning issues in re- lation to flood risk management, en- ergy efficiency and traffic manage- ment.
The review of the Development Plan for Ennis and Environs com- menced with a 9-week period of public consultation on December 8
2006. The Development Plan covers a 6-year period and the current plan is due to expire in December 2008. A deadline of December 9 has been placed on the adoption of the plan.
Speaking at yesterday’s meeting of Clare County Council, Council- lor Tommy Brennan said not enough time had been given to councillors.
‘Deadlines were given and not met” said Clir Brennan, ““Now we are leav- ing this to the last minute. The delay wasn’t the making of Clare County Council.
CUlr Johnny Flynn (FG), speaking yesterday to the Clare People, said he was concerned that the plan was be- ing rushed through.
*’T feel that the whole thing has been rushed through. There are an awful lot of issues that must be con- sidered here’, said Cllr Flynn
“T felt that it has been dealt with hastily and that it is being rushed through. Normal practices that allow for consideration don’t seem to apply here. It appears that the plan is being pushed through with undue haste”
Cllr Flynn said suitable provision should be made in the plan for zon- ing land for schools.
‘There needs to be a site found for the Ennis Educate Together school. Developers should be obliged to build a new classroom for a school in the area if they are engaged in a de- velopment of 30-40 houses. We have ongoing issues with regards to school buildings in Ennis”. Cllr Flynn also said the new plan needs to address sports and amenity facilities in En- Oh