This article is from page 14 of the 2008-10-14 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 14 JPG
VISITORS have different concerns and priorities about their holiday experience in the mid-west than the tourism authorities have, the results of a survey being published today will show.
Conclusions from a summer season survey of nearly 5,500 visitors to the mid-west will be unveiled to mem- bers of the Tourism Learning Net- work at their seminar today.
Advance indications from the sur- vey showed that issues which have concerned the tourism authorities, including pricing and the propor- tion of non-nationals involved in the hospitality industry – did not come out as the top concerns with visitors. Instead tourists said that the warm hospitality from nationals and non nationals was one of the big pluses and there was also general satisfac- tion with food, quality standards, preparation, service and price.
Criticisms which were raised in the survey included hygiene, standards of cleanliness in toilets and grubby or shabby conditions in some accom- modation. Access for disabled peo- ple was also an issue raised by both able-bodied and disabled visitors and information on what’s available to visitors and how to get there was
also an issue with a significant level of dissatisfaction with both promo- tional material and signage.
Ranking as the most extensive in- dependent survey ever carried out in a single region, the exercise was the main 2008 project undertaken by members of the Tourism Learn- ing Network, the Failte Ireland ini- tiative which has been running since 2006. “As a do-it-yourself approach to market research which will be of immediate value, the survey fits in exactly with the aims of the Tourism Learning Network of bringing the development and promotion of lo- cal tourism down to local level” says Tourism Learning Network Director in the Mid-west, Padraig Cleary of May Day Management Consultants.
The verdict and views of visitors will be delivered to the seminar at the Kilmurry Lodge Hotel, Limerick today. In addition to the regional pic- ture to be painted, the survey results have also been packaged for each of the individual operators who partici- Joye Kerem
While the survey will be provid- ing guidelines on the strengths and shortcomings of visitor attractions, accommodation, dining and related visitor services, the seminar has been structured to provide practical guid- ance relevant to the survey findings.