
Rugby in Tulla for boys and girls

This article is from page 68 of the 2008-10-14 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 68 JPG

BOYS AND girls between the ages of six and 12 are being afforded the opportunity to play rugby in Tulla, thanks to the newest club in the area.

The East Clare Eagles rugby club was set up a year ago and since its inception it has gone from strength to strength. Currently there are 70 members signed up with the club, which caters for youths in Tulla, along with Clooney, O’Callaghans Mills, Broadford, Feakle and Quin. One of the main attributes of the club is that it 1s open to both boys and girls, with girls accounting for 30 per cent of its members.

The club’s reputation was consid-

erably enhanced as it got the oppor- tunity to play at half-time between Munster and Glasgow, during the opening of Thomond Park in Limer- ick last Saturday week.

“Prior to setting up the club, we used to play in Community Games competitions. We couldn’t get any competitive games so we decided to set up a club, affiliated to the IRFU. We did that in October 2007,’ said club chairman Daragh Molloy.

“Setting up the club enabled us to include children aged six and up- wards,” he added.

Since the club was formed, it has joined the Limerick league and has also taken part in several blitzes in- volving teams such as Kilrush, Mil- town Malbay, Shannon and Ennis.

The Eagles have also hosted many blitzes.

Along with Mr Molloy, the others responsible for running the club are John Noonan, Edmund Jennings, Ro- nan O’Reilly and Kevin Slattery.

Given that the players are so young, the assistance of the local primary school has been essential in ensuring the club is a success.

“Brian Torpey at the local primary school has been of great assistance, as have the people of Tulla. Our hon- orary president John Noonan has been the driving force in setting up the club,” said Mr Molloy.

“This is a great achievement for a village in east Clare that 1s predomi- nantly a hurling area. Now we have a rugby club that is thriving. There was

a great need and a desire to set up the club,” he added.

The green and white Eagles jerseys are poised to become a force to be reckoned with in rugby circles in Clare over the coming years. In or- der that this be achieved, the club is appealing for volunteers to help out with coaching the teams.

Anyone interested in lending a hand should contact Daragh Molloy on 087 4102510 or John Noonan on 087 2843253.

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