
Proposed projects put on back burner

This article is from page 67 of the 2008-10-14 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 67 JPG

TWO contentious infrastructural projects for Ennis have been shelved as government funding streams start to dry up.

The proposed redevelopment of the market and the Ennis Library project have both been deferred, according to Ennis Town Council’s report on capital projects.

In the case of the market redevel- opment, the report states that “the ouncil has been advised by the De- partment of the Environment that all local authority loans previously sanctioned but which have not been drawn down, have been withdrawn’’.

The report continues, “The impact of this at local level means that the redevelopment of the market must be

deferred. Local authorities have been advised that loan approval can be ap- plied for in 2009″.

The proposal to build a new two- storey library at the post office field has also hit a roadblock. According to the report, Ennis Town Council has been informed “that all library projects which have not reached ten- der approval stage cannot proceed at this time. A new Capital Funding Programme is being prepared by the Department of the Environment for library projects”.

In the past there has been staunch opposition to the re-development of the Post Office Field, a green-field currently zoned amenity, from local community groups and local coun- I oyace

The report states that a concept

plan has been prepared for the Post Office Field.

The re-development of the market, meanwhile, courted opposition from traders operating in the area.

However there has been some movement on seven capital projects. The report states that the completion of the Ennis inner relief road has been “accorded first priority” and has been forwarded to tender stage.

The development of Tim Smythe Park and Clonroad Park has also proceeded to tender stage. Work in the development of the a youth café in Cloughleigh, an indoor facility at Lees Road and the redevelopment of O’ Connell square, has also pro- eressed, though all three projects are subject to government finance.

Meanwhile, the report states “the

acquisition of additional housing stock in 2009 will depend on avail- ability of additional capital funding from the Department of the Environ- ment in 2009”

Cllr Johnny Flynn (FG) said he was disappointed with the delays and with the loss of funding for the market re-development.

Cllr Joe Reidy (FF) said he too was disappointed with the delays but add- ed that it was good to see progress on other projects.

Cllr Tom Glynn (FF) urged the council to formulate a clear and defi- nite plan for the Post Office Field. Town clerk Eddie Power said the council expected to have funds for Tim Smythe Park and the youth café but that funding for Lees Road is “some way down the line”.

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