
Policing think tank gets a wide berth

This article is from page 4 of the 2008-10-14 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 4 JPG

CONCERNS have been raised about the proposed format of a joint polic- ing committee for Ennis.

According to the Department of Justice, the committees, proposed for 114 local authority areas, are being established to provide a forum for Gardai, local authorities, Oireacthas members, and community interests to meet and address issues related to crime locally and to make recom- mendations.

However, at last week’s meeting of

Ennis Town Council, councilors dis- missed the 19-person structure of the committee as unworkable.

Accepting that the committee al- lowed for broad representation of different stakeholders, Mayor of Ennis Peter Considine (FF) said it was unlikely, given the size of the committee, that consensus could be achieved on crime related matters.

Councilor Tom Glynn (FF) echoed these concerns saying “you couldn’t get a whole lot done with a commit- tee of 19 people”.

Councillor Joe Reidy (FF) said,

“the last thing we need is more meet- ings and more talking shops. At the end of the say we have to know what effect it will have for the general pub- lic.

Town Clerk Eddie Power told the meeting that pilot schemes had al- ready been launched in Ballinasloe, Naas and Galway City and that the committee presented an opportunity to examine the reasons for anti-social behaviour and social disorder.

“I think they want to avoid as much as possible is it becoming another talking shop,” added Mr Power.

CUlr Johnny Flynn (FG) said that any measure which looks at “ad- dressing the anti-social behaviour in this town deserves to be given as good a run as possible”’.

Cllr Tommy Brennan called for meetings to be arranged with partici- pants from the pilot schemes before any decision is taken on the matter.

‘We should look for a meeting with the delegation from Naas. I’d like to go behind the scenes and see what is happening on the ground with this thing. Then you’ll get the right re- sponse.”

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