
Pedestrian safety a growning concern

This article is from page 66 of the 2008-10-14 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 66 JPG

IMPROVED _ pedestrian _ safety measures need to be carried out as ‘‘a matter of urgency” near the Ennis bus and rail station.

The issued has been raised amid growing concerns from_ residents about the lack of pedestrian cross- ings and footpaths in the area.

The areas highlighted are the roundabout at the crossroads of Sta- tion Road, Clonroad and the Quin JWCey:TeMr: Dele ms aome-DUMyc-h yo) ele lexor

Speaking at last Monday’s meeting of Ennis Town council, Councillor Tommy Brennan (Ind) called for pe- destrian crossings to be installed at the roundabout.

He said, “There are an amount of people using the road there, going over to the station and going out the Quin Road. I think that as a matter of urgency, we have to look at provid- ing pedestrian crossing”’.

“It was ok for people to take the lights out from the roundabout but in doing that it seems that we’ve for- gotten that people still need to cross the road there. It’s imperative we put a pedestrian crossing. It wouldn’t make much of a difference with the four roads. There are ways of doing it. One could be put on each of the Key: (eke

Cllr Brennan also commented that serious improvements were needed at the nearby rail bridge.

“If there are two cattle trucks using the road and a woman is pushing a pram, its deadly dangerous. It would be very easy to get pushed up against the wall. There will be someone killed. It’s scandalous”

Town Engineer Tom Tiernan said agreement had been reached with CIE for a walkway to be developed parallel to the main road bridge.

‘We are hoping to have all the work completed there by late spring 2009, in time for the completion of the first phase of the Western Rail Corridor. I agree, it is deadly there’.

The calls were made as Ennis Town Council prepares a report of the draft Ennis Traffic Management Plan 2008.

According to the council, after the report has been considered by mem- bers, the draft plan will then go on public display and a public consul- tation process will be undertaken. Submissions received by the coun- cil will be considered by the elected members. The formal adoption of the plan with or without amendments will take place after consideration of submissions and following consulta- tion with the gardai.

ClUlr Johnny Flynn (FG) said he was very disappointed that ESB work practices had led to a delay in the completion of pedestrian cross- ings at locations in Ennis.

“They are urgently needed,” he Cr AKOR

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