
Indecent exposure in Shannon

This article is from page 12 of the 2008-10-14 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 12 JPG

A 33-year-old man exposed him- self at a Shannon supermarket three times in as many weeks.

The accused pleaded guilty to three counts of indecency, on December 26, 2007; January 2, 2008 and Janu- ary 13, 2008.

Inspector Tom Kennedy told Shan- non District Court that at 8.30pm on December 26 last, the accused exposed his penis to a female staff member, before leaving the premis- es.

He repeated this just before 7pm on January 2 and again on January 13. The court was told the accused was

identified from CCTV footage.

His solicitor said the accused made full admissions to the investigating garda. He said that on the scale of things, the garda would put the be- haviour on a rating of two or three, on a scale of one to 10.

“He did not know these ladies. It was casual. It didn’t have any serious

effect on them at all. From their point of view, it was mischievous, rather than frightening,” said the solicitor.

Judge Joseph Mangan adjourned the case until later in the year and ordered that a probation report be carried out.

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