
Chamber support park rezoning

This article is from page 66 of the 2008-10-14 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 66 JPG

THE application by Clare GAA to rezone Cusack Park to facilitate a €350 million Town Centre Devel- opment is in the best interests of the economic and social development of Ennis, according to Ennis Chamber.

In supporting the project, Chamber President Niall Garvey said the de- cision is a bold but necessary one if Ennis is to create jobs, enhance the retail on offer and compete success- fully with neighbouring towns.

“It is simply unacceptable that an estimated €58 million is draining out of Ennis every year in out of

town shopping.

“The by-pass is a wonderful piece of infrastructure but it has the capac- ity to take people out of Ennis just as easily as to bring them in. We all welcome the opening of the western rail link next year but we must also realise that right now it may be more beneficial to Galway city retailers,” Mr. Garvey added.

With the draft Ennis and Environs Development Plan set to be consid- ered by members of Ennis Town Council, Mr Garvey said Ennis had reached a stage critical to the future development of the town.

“Ultimately, the decision to adopt

the plan, which will be valid for the next six years, will be made by the elected councilors,” Mr. Garvey said. The chamber believes the arguments for a new town centre development are “compelling”, pointing to in- creased competition from Limerick and Galway.

“The chamber must protect the interests of the existing town centre businesses. In particular we don’t want traders on the O’Connell St/ Market side of town to be disadvan- taged. Any new development on the Cusack Park site cannot function in isolation but must be connected and integrated seamlessly with exist-

ing streets and businesses,’ said Mr Garvey.

The Aisling Chiosoig Partnership who are behind the proposed River- Side Quarter for Cusack Park have said that up to 1,000 jobs will be cre- ated when the project is completed and about 500 jobs in construction.

“A pessimist would agree that even if they only achieved 75% of their employment objective, it would be a major achievement in terms of jobs and revenue generation. Should the IDA or any other agency make this kind of commitment to Ennis, we would be dancing with joy,’ said Mr. Garvey.

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