This article is from page 95 of the 2008-10-07 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 95 JPG
THE Armada Hotel in Spanish Point will become a refuge from the woes and worries of the economic reces- sion next week-end when guests will be treated to a “Recession Escape” break on the Clare coast.
Guests will be asked to leave their recession gloom at the front door as they arrive for a weekend with a number of unique events lined up on Friday and Saturday, October 10 and 11, with a repeat planned for Novem- ber 21 and 22.
The Recession Escape programme will include an in-house newspaper, “Armada News’, which will feature only positive news and ensuring that guests start the day with the ‘feel good’ factor as they enjoy a cham- pagne breakfast
Internal news broadcasts through- out the day will be presented by members of the hotel staff includ-
ing a chef and housekeeper with real news, but good news. A Fortune Tell- er will read palms before dinner and predict all that is positive and happy. Every hour will be Happy Hour over the weekend with pints of Guinness reduced to pre-Celtic Tiger prices.
Guests will receive a gift of an in- spirational book with the Atlantic ocean as their perfect reading back- drop. There will also be complimen- tary advice from a personal trainer who will ensure that guests leave the hotel with a spring in their step
Price of the two-night stay, includ- ing dinner in the Pearl restaurant, is €159 per person and guests will be asked to leave the mobiles and black- berry’s off as well!!