
Anti-social behaviour on the agenda

This article is from page 105 of the 2008-10-07 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 105 JPG

CONCERNS about anti-social be- haviour and the issue of community policing were among the main points of discussion at a meeting between gardai and elected representatives in Shannon.

The meeting was sought by town councillors, to discuss a number of issues of concern. Councillors anda number of council officials met with

Inspector Tom Kennedy and the ser- geant in charge at Shannon, Noel McMahon.

The meeting heard that four areas in the town have been assigned com- munity gardai. Under this initiative, it is hoped that community contact with gardai would be improved, leading to intelligence regarding criminal activity and anti-social be- haviour.

Councillors were told that there are

restrictions regarding the prosecu- tion of residents of private houses, where there are noise issues.

If residents cause a nuisance, gardai can call to a particular dwelling, but it is only after persistent warnings by gardai that summonses can be is- sued.

The meeting also heard that there are serious issues in relation to a number of families who have re- cently moved to Shannon and have

caused concern among locals.

This situation is being monitored by gardai, who have been made aware of a number of incidents that have taken place in the town in re- cent weeks.

At the meeting, various council- lors complained that all calls made to Shannon Garda Station were not being logged. The garda representa- tives pledged to ensure that all calls were logged.

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