THERE are changing times ahead for parish life in rural areas – not least in west Clare.
Where once there was more than two priests assigned to one parish, now a parish is considered fortunate to have a parish priest, and in some cases share a priest. For many par- ishes a retired priest is relied upon to administer the sacraments as a priest in residence.
In west Clare, however, the parish of Killaloe is beginning a process of change within the workings of the church and are appointing a layper-
son to unify a number of parishes into clusters and yet ensure their identities are respected.
The new post of pastoral worker is being created to facilitate pastoral developments among a number of west Clare parishes.
The post will initially be based in Kilkee and Kilrush, and will also cater for the parishes of Carrigaholt, Cross, Killimer, Kilmhil, Coora- clare, Doonbeg and Kilmurry Mc- Mahon.
Parish Priest of Kilkee Fr Donagh O’Meara said that the ideal candi- date for the job would have good community development skills with
a background in theology.
There have been a number of ap- plications for this new post in the Catholic Church in west Clare, but those interested can still apply up to the end of this week.
“We are planning for a future be- cause we have to develop a new mod- el while respecting the identity of the parishes,” said the parish priest.
The appointment of the pastoral worker is part of the Diocesan Pasto- ral Plan derived in 2003.
A director of Pastoral Planning was appointed in June 2003 in order to direct the completion of the plan.
The plan provides a number of sup-
ports for a church in a changing so- ciety including providing guidelines for parish pastoral councils.
In line with the Diocesan Pastoral Plan two Liturgy Groups were also set up in April 2004. These groups represent both sides of the diocese (east and west of the Shannon). They have worked closely together in offering resources and support to parishes. To date they have organised three music workshops for choirs, training for cantors, training for readers, the promotion and resourc- ing of children’s’ liturgies and the provision of Advent, Christmas and Lenten resources.