This article is from page 27 of the 2008-06-17 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 27 JPG
IT IS that time of year again when schools from around the county be- gin their annual spring clean before they break for the long summer hol1- days.
For many schools the majority of the work is already complete, as pu- pils and teachers stay ahead of any litter build up and dedicate their time to reducing, re-using and recycling.
And those who are successful with their efforts are rewarded with the
prestigious green flag award. Labasheeda National School last week celebrated its second Green Flag for Energy Conservation. ‘We had to try and reduce our en- ergy use by assessing our usage and coming up with strategies for using
less, for example monitoring of tem- perature levels in the school, closing of doors and windows, installation of a new and more efficient boiler,’ said school principal Liam Woulfe.
“To conserve electricity we moni- tored our usage levels by taking regular meter readings. We then set about reducing our usage by having ‘police’ to ensure that unnecessary light and socket use was discontin- ued,’ added the principal.
“We had a low energy day where we made a special effort to see what was the least amount of electricity we could use in a day,” he told