ONE of the longest running chairty events in Clare tees of next week when the Lions Club of Ennis annual golf classic takes place at Ennis Golf Site
The event, on Saturday May 10, is the longest running golf classic in the region and many local charities have benefited from the proceeds over the years. This year all funds raised will go the Clare branch of the Alzheim- ers Society.
The Clare Branch of the Alzhe- imers Society was formed in 1996. Their office is located at Unit 17 Clonroad Business Park, Ennis.
Opening hours are from 9-5 Monday to Thursday and 9-4 on Friday.
Over 980 people have Alzheimers Disease in Clare. This represents al- most | per cent of the population of the County.
The Clare branch aims to increase awareness of Alzheimers disease, to provide care for sufferers and make information and assistance available to to carers, including research.
A vitally important home care/ home support service operates from Ennis providing care for approxi- mately 40 families. This enables families to keep their loved ones at home for as long as possible.
A Day Care Centre is situated at
Lower Drumbiggle Road, Ennis and is open 3 days a week on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9.30 – 4.00 pm. A qualified nurse and nurses aid are in attendance and transport is avail- able.
Support groups hold meetings on a regular basis for relatives and friends in Ennis, Ennistymon, and Kilrush.
The Lions Club golf classic stretch- es back to the early eighties and since its inception, dozens of local and national charities, including the Clare branch of the Irish Wheelchair Association, have benefitted.
Last year’s event was a huge suc- cess with Lions Club president Ea- mon O’Dea handing over a cheque
for €5,000 to Carmel Nelyon of the Irish Wheelchair Association.
The main sponsor for this year’s Golf Classic is again KECO Con- struction. Anyone who wishes to enter a team on the day should con- tact Ennis GC at 065 6865415. The cost per team is €160 and individual holes can be sponsored for as little as €100.