This article is from page 58 of the 2008-05-13 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 58 JPG
A group of participants from Clare last week completed a seven week HSA Approved First Aid Course run by the Limerick Division of the St. John Ambulance Brigade. The Course was run in the local Head- quarters of the St John Ambulance Brigade in Parnell St. in Limerick, on Tuesday evenings from 7.00pm to 10.00pm. The Deputy Mayor of Lim- erick Clr. Gerry McLaughlin and the P.R.O. of the St. John Ambulance Brigade Ursula Stokes presented the First Aid Certificate to a total of 24 People on the night, which came from Clare and Limerick.
The Deputy Mayor Clr. Gerry McLaughlin congratulated all the participants for their attendance and Graduating with flying colours with the HSA Approved First Aid Course
which is valid for three years. He gave particular praise to the 7 peo- ple from Clare who travelled long distances to complete the Course. He thanked them and encouraged them to continue to help out in their local communities when the need arises. The Superintendent of the St. John Ambulance Brigade Philip Tuohy congratulated the class not alone on completing the 18 hour course, but also graduating with the HSA Certi- fication valid for three years. He paid tribute to the major effort that each and every one of the participants had to make after completing an eight hour day at work, home, or college, and then having to attend for another three hours every Tuesday evening, for seven weeks. Mr. Tuohy said he hoped it was a pleasant and informa- tive time and that the class would have retained some of the informa-
tion that was given; he also asked that the class continue to read the First Aid Manual and to hold small practice sessions between them- selves where possible. Congratula- tions and Certificates were awarded on Elizabeth Murray Sixmilebridge, Co. Clare, Teresa Nihill, and Bridget Conlon from Clonlara, who were un- able to attend the presentation.
The St. John Ambulance run First Aid Courses at different intervals thoughtout the year, further infor- mation can be obtained by contact- ing them on 061-412480, or email at styjohnambulancelimerick@hotmail. com