
Burren farmers form tourism co-op

This article is from page 15 of the 2008-04-29 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 15 JPG

NINE north Clare farmers have come together to form a co-opera- tive to promote their land as a tourist location.

The Burren Farmers Eco-Tourism Co-op, which was established last week, aims to create environmen- tally-friendly means for farmers to make an income in the Burren.

The co-op is designed to act as an umbrella group to help farmers to de- velop the Burren as Ireland’s prime eco-tourism destination. It is the first farmer-led eco-tourism initiative of its kind ever attempted in Ireland.

“T have a farm of around 420 acres and there are loads of things that eco-tourists would find interesting. I have a totally undeveloped natu- ral cave, a silver mine and a calcium mine,” said Michael Davenport, one of the nine farmers who have found- ed the co-op.

“Tf you were to start walking around the land, you would be walking for four or five hours before you would see most of the things up here. A lot of the roads are already in place be- cause I have been using them myself for farming down the years.

“It’s another way of making a liv- ing but it is not for everyone. It suits

me to get involved but there are oth- ers I know who would like to stick with the farming.

“The one thing we would worry about is insurance – but I’m sure we will all come together and get a group insurance scheme that will cover us all.”

The co-op has targeted farmer-led guided walking tours and heritage tours as one of the main activities it can develop as a tourist product.

The nine co-op members have hold- ings which run into the thousands of acres, including a significant part of the Burren’s three major desig- nated Special Areas of Conservation


The designated land includes an array of monuments, both recorded and non-recorded, and a wide selec- tion of flora and fauna.

The co-op has also stated its com- mitment to upholding both the Burren Code and the principles of ‘Leave No Trace’, which seek to limit the damage done to the area by mass tourism.

The co-op has organised a two- day training weekend on ‘Leave No Trace’ in the Burren on May 24 and 25. Anyone interested should con- tact or phone 087 785 0140.

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