A RESIDENTS association’s fight against the construction of 60 alf- fordable houses in their estate is to move to a new level next week.
The Concern Residents of Cluain Airne 1s opposing the proposed de- velopment in their estate, where there already are 178 houses.
They believe that there is inad- equate infrastructure in the area to cope with new homes.
The group also says the develop- ment of additional homes will result in their green area being taken away from them.
When the details first emerged last summer, a group of the Cluain Airne residents grouped together and or- ganised a petition, highlighting their opposition to the construction of the new houses.
That petition has since been signed by more than two-thirds of the resi- dents and they attached this to their
formal objection to the scheme, which was lodged with the council.
Next week, Shannon area council- lors will be given the opportunity to vote on the proposed development. The residents association is appeal- ing for the councillors to vote in their le AVeluie
Secretary of the group, Nicole Murphy, said locals are encouraging the local politicians to take their con- cerns into account when they vote.
“If all of the councillors vote
against it, it would be great. It is in the councillors’ hands. They need to think of their local people who have been and will be voting for them.
“There are hundreds of acres of suitable land down the road and they could leave the green area (in Cluain Airne) where it 1s,” she said.
Mr Murphy said the residents ac- knowledge that affordable housing in required in Shannon, but feel it should be catered for on alternative sites.