A MAJOR question mark has been thrown over plans to construct a wind turbine that would allow a company supply up to half of its energy needs.
Last month, Clare County Council granted planning permission to Ol- ympus Diagnostica for a 200 ft high wind turbine near O’Callaghan’s Mills.
However, local residents, Mr and Mrs JP Murphy have appealed the council’s decision to An Bord Plean- ala, ensuring that the appeals board will take a fresh look at the applica- nO
In their original objection, the Mur- phys stated: “We wish to voice our concerns with the proposed location of the wind turbine of the above site.
“We are local residents in the area for the past 60 years and we feel that
the decision taken by Olympus to erect the turbine in the position in- dicated on the submitted site plan is inconsiderate to the local landscape and setting of Rosslara Lake and its woodland surroundings
“As highlighted in the council’s development plan, the site for the proposed wind turbine 1s within an area specifically zoned as visually vulnerable and due to the mechani- cal nature of this machine this wind turbine would not be in keeping with the development plan.
“The proposed location of this wind turbine is visually intrusive to the scenic area of Rosslara Lake and if planning is granted, it will have a negative visual impact on the sur- rounding area.
“We feel that the proposed develop- ment should be located to a less vul- nerable/scenic area.”
The company overcame concerns expressed by the council in relation to a device that is designed to scare away bats from the structure.
In their planning application OI- ympus stated that it was “seeking a solution which would meet a portion 40-50 per cent of our electrical base ey Teel berearUiKowIrlO homo tls) ucAtaae
The company said that it would consume all the energy from the wind-turbine and there was no need for a grid connection.
“The rationale for this project has its roots in spiralling energy costs which are set by international mar- kets and impact severely for two rea- sons: the wide fluctuation in energy costs which make financial planning more difficult and the underlying trend is upwards.”
A decision is due on the appeal later this year.