PLANS to market the west Clare capital as a “key economic, com- mercial and administrative centre” through a specially published guide has been proposed by local council- lor Tom Prendeville.
The guide suggested would target prospective settlers and investors to Kilrush outlining all it has to offer.
“This council has been most posi- tive and progressive in stimulat- ing and accommodating economic erowth,” said Clr Prendeville (FF).
“The layout of Kilrush is most at- tractive. As the capital of west Clare there is an expectancy that Kilrush has the capability to create its own vision of where the town would hope to be in 2020.
“That vision would have to be built on a bedrock of economic sustain- ability. We need to aggressively chase investors to establish an indus-
trial base in west Clare,’ he told this month’s meeting of Kilrush Town Council.
‘Nowadays people seek quality of life and this presumes a wide accept- ance of social inclusion and integra- tion and the promotion of vibrant lo- cal communities,.
“An admission that we lack ad- equate services in some area will of necessity be counterbalanced by the many quality of life advantages we enjoy here in west Clare.
“Perhaps at a later stage we can produce a town or regional guide highlighting their advantages.”
Senior staff officer, Siobhan O’Keefe said that while there is no one publication that fulfils that criteria there are many examples of marketing tools that are used by the council including the “Welcome to Kilrush’ brochure, www.kilrush. le, participation by the council in various advertising and _ business
features, and county development board’s “Clare Means Business’ CD.
“In light of the ongoing invest- ment by Kilrush Town Council in all of the above marketing tools, I feel the publication of a new guide as requested could potentially be deliv-
ered through the partnership struc- ture of the West Clare Economic Task Force.
“Kilrush Town Council would be happy to support the task force in the delivery of such an objective,” said Mrs O’Keefe.