AFTER more than five years of an absence, homeopathy is returning to Ennistymon with the opening of the Ennistymon Homeopathy Clinic.
The new clinic located on Ennisty- mon’s Main Street is operated by Clare natives Diane Stapleton and OE tee
‘There is going to be two of us here, and hopefully a full time acupunc- turist, so it will be a full-on five day a week service,’ said Clare Sheehan.
“It is the case now where homeopa- thy can be the primary care for peo- ple. I have a family in Galway, for ex- ample, who come to me as their first point of call for all illnesses.
‘There was one time when one of the children was not responding to treatment and had to go for a course of antibiotics, but other than that the family has been antibiotic free for 12 Were ace
“So it’s not a case of one or the other. Homeopathy can work well alongside any other medicine. Peo- ple don’t have to come off any other medicine to use it and it’s a very safe and effective way to treat children and adults.”
Clare and Diane hosted an open public talk in Ennistymon library last night. They plan to continue with a series of talks in the library where they will examine all areas of homeopathy, including homeopathy
for men, for children and for vacci- nations.
‘As well as this we are also look- ing at having a regular open-morning here in the clinic where people can find out some information and get a feel for homeopathy,’ continued Ore
“We also want to look at organising mini courses for people. The idea be- hind this is that people, and parents in particular, can understand what they or their child is taking and why they are taking it.
“The parents can then take back control and the responsibility for the healing of their family. So it’s not something outside of them that they have to rely on.
“It’s so much cheaper as well. A lot of the health insurers will now cover a certain amount of the cost of ho- meopathy.”
Clare graduated from the Burren School of Homeopathy in 1995. She operated a practice in Galway City for seven years before moving to Kil- colgan and then on to Ennistymon.
Clare is also the founder and di- rector of the Galway College of ho- meopathy. More information can be found on www.galwayhomeopathy. com