This article is from page 2 of the 2008-03-04 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 2 JPG
ENNIS residents with low immune systems have been warned to boil the water as three young children from the town were diagnosed with Crypt- osporidiosis late last week.
One of the three, who are all under five years old, was taken to hospital suffering from what has been de- scribed by the Health Service Execu- tive as a serious disease.
The HSE issued a statement say- ing that whilst no link has been es- tablished between the illness and the local water supply, caution is being ANGMAR oLe B
No other explanation for the cause of the illness had been offered at
time of print last evening.
The health service has contacted GPs and other health service provid- ers to make them aware of the need to investigate symptoms of gastro- enteritis and to report any suspected cases of the illness. Creches in the area are also being advised about the need for vigilance.
There are between 60 and 70 cases of Cryptosporidiosis confirmed in the mid west area every year, which includes Clare, Limerick and Tipper- ary.
The vast majority of cases occur in springtime and early summer. It can also be associated with outbreaks of PO KOLS ICSU LBL
Cryptosporidium are tiny parasites
that are mainly found in the faeces of infected animals or humans. Hu- mans are infected when they ingest contaminated food or water, or touch contaminated objects and then touch their mouth before washing their Ja DaLeKAN od 0B
In a special leaflet issued by the HSE west warning people of the ill- ness, it outlined the unpleasant symp- toms as diarrhoea, tummy pains and headaches.
The most common way is for the Cryptosporidium cysts to be passed from one person to another by direct contact. This is more likely if the source person has diarrhoea.
Thorough hand washing and dry- ing are the most important factors in
preventing this spread. Towels must not be shared.
Farm visits, or animals brought into school classrooms, may be a source of infection for children. Thorough hand washing reduces this risk.
Water in streams and lakes close to where animals graze maybe contam- inated with Cryptosporidium cysts.
“Very rarely contamination of wa- ter supplies can lead to outbreaks of infection,’ the HSE said.
The incubation period – time be- tween being infected and becoming unwell – is about two weeks. The ill- ness may last for a couple of weeks.
In people with weakened immune system, Cryptosporidiosis can be a serious and long-lasting infection.